Automation of workflows and development of business applications using no-code/low-code development platforms.
Many companies have processes and tasks that are completely unique and that are not supported by today's standard systems. This means that many tasks are performed manually and it is challenging to have control and keep track. In addition, it is vulnerable because the knowledge and information is distributed to individuals, in various Excel sheets and in tons of emails.
Imagine that tasks and information flow seamlessly. You have a complete overview over tasks and deadlines, and you can get an see the status at any time. It reduces risk, increases efficiency and creates a simpler everyday life for everyone.
With the digital workflow service , you can easily digitize today's manual tasks and reduce Excel sheets and e-mails to a minimum. With a great process understanding and the use of leading Low-Code solutions, we quickly realize digitized and automated work processes.
Agile and innovative solutions for developing business applications. The technology enables faster and more cost-effective solution development compared to traditional methods.
Enables data flow and integrations across systems. The interfaces between processes and systems allow for seamless flow of information and data.
Information is collected in one place, making it easier to collaborate and reducing frustration. Data is available when you need it, and shared efficiently and securely.
Axaz digitizes your manual work processes and makes your work life easier.